Partial List Of
Projects Worked On
Oversaw “ground up” development projects. Projects included:
mixed use, multifamily, retail and mini-storage;
with other developers and land owners;
Third Party Advisory Services
advise for lenders, other developers and investors.
The Rubin Cos. LLC
Exceptional Real Estate Developments, Superior Advisory Services
Since leaving the private practice of law, relocating to Cleveland and returning to the business side of real estate, Steve Rubin has been on the front lines of some of Northeast Ohio’s foremost real estate projects. Those include Crocker Park, Eton Chagrin Boulevard and Portage Crossing while with Stark Enterprises and Midway Market Plaza and Streetsboro Crossing while with the Visconsi Companies. Mr Rubin’s successes since moving to The Northeast Ohio area are built on a strong foundation of experience gained from his legal background and his project experience while a principal in his family’s real estate company. Before relocating, Mr. Rubin worked on retail and mixed use projects and major urban office buildings throughout the eastern half of the United States. He became experienced with financing and work out matters and sophisticated deal structures of all kinds.
Today, as the President of The Rubin Cos. LLC, Mr Rubin maintains a network of real estate professionals of all disciplines and develops for his own account together with offering advisory services to other developers, investors and lenders of all types.